Call for papers

ICHNR Conference 2025 invites all interested people to submit papers exploring explore the themes of the conference in relation to one of the envisaged sub-themes:

  • Sub-theme 1: Metaphysical and Epistemological Issues;
  • Sub-theme 2: Human Nature, Human Destiny, and Transhumanism;
  • Sub-theme 3: Human Nature and Religious Diversity;
  • Sub-theme 4: Ethical and Political Issue.

Short papers (being presented in 20 minutes) are invited in either English, Italian, German, Spanish or French on the above topics.

Please send abstracts of not more than 300 words (with an English translation if in a different language) to by Jan 31, 2025, following the attached template (.docx  and .pdf format).

You will be notified of the outcome by the end of April.

Inquiries can be directed to